Member-only story
You May Be Down. But Don’t Count Yourself Out Yet!
How many challenges in life, have we encountered where getting to the other side seemed unlikely? Quite a few, I suppose. That is the story for many of us. Because life happens to us all. No one alive, has escaped its reality yet.
The good news? We’re still here. That means we’re undefeated through the hard times.
Divorce. Illness. Loss. Heartbreak. Unrealized dreams. Disappointment. You name it. If you’re still here to talk about it, learned the lesson, share with others, you made it.
I’ve had my down moments. Leading up to my divorce, I thought I’d always be heartbroken. After burying my father, I felt the world would never feel full again.
Each loss left me feeling a little empty. Emotionally, mentally sending my spirit to a dark place with no sign of light anywhere.
By God’s grace I’m on the other side. I realize now, I was down and not out forever. Bouncing back is possible. Difficult, yet possible.
If you get down, don’t get too down. No matter how bleak the situation looks, or feels. No matter who’s in your corner or not.
You always have you.
Don’t give up on yourself.
In the end, you’re the only one that can count yourself out.
Don’t be that one.