Why it’s hard to take men serious

Modern day tactics and strategies are played. It’s time for real, authentic, and intentional men to step up.

Shannon Vaughn
3 min read2 days ago
Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

There is an underlying theme why single women remain single for long stretches at a time. It’s not because they’re too independent, career driven, or out earn their male counterparts. That would be too easy.

On the daily, women are showered with pick up lines and empty compliments from men with no real intentions.

For example, a co worker decided one day after seeing me off and on over the course of two years, that he would rain on me sweet nothings and beauty compliments. One day after the next of repeat rhetoric.

A week went by before he ceased all communication together. The blank short looks with zero response gave my disinterest away with profound effect. To this day I couldn’t buy a “Hello” out dude.

This is an example of what women deal with everyday; men who are not serious throwing loose, empty verbal spatter against a wall to see what sticks.

Then wonder why they get friendzoned.

Women have learned the game. If the actions don’t match the words; he’s pump faking. Men with fluff small talk, inconsistent communication, or make dates with no follow…

