When life throws everything but the kitchen sink…do this

A lesson in one of the more underrated universal laws

Shannon Vaughn
3 min readJun 24, 2024
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric via Pexels

Each day on my commute to work I pass by individuals deemed “less fortunate”. We’ve all seen them. The wondering, lost souls hanging out on corners and sidewalks. Some have bagged liquor in hand shooting the breeze. Some hold up signs or cups for loose change at intersections. Others do nothing while they watch life pass by.

In safe circumstances I’ve given spare change. A month ago a young man approached as I was parked on the street asking for spare change. He thanked me after receiving some quarters then asked for more.

“I’m trying to get my ID. It’s eighteen dollars.”

“Sir, I have no more change,” I replied.

“Well thank you.”

I watched him continue down the street from my sideview mirror. Immediately thoughts of how he got to this place and what if anything, had he done for others in his life.

When it rains it pours

It all started with my dryer. After eleven years with no issues, it literally fell apart with loose screws from the diffuser. Then the water heater began leaking. Two weeks later the stove went out. The saying ‘death comes in threes’ must apply to major…

