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Moving On For Dummies
Forward movement after love lost isn’t as complicated as you think
Youtube dating and life coaches, all have their take on how to move on from heartbreak. Tips, steps, to help all the hurt souls of the world who care to watch, listen, and take action.
Admittedly I watched a few.
Revelations came. Tears were shed. Actions I felt were good, taken. For all of it to come crashing down to start over like I never began.
Some of the steps helped; others I just wasn’t ready for. Even when I wanted to be.
This is when I realized that moving on from a failed relationship is my own race. And that there aren’t any specific steps in perfect order that will magically work on demand.
Challenges with co parenting, your ex moving on to a new relationship or remarrying before you can be tough, long hurdles to get over. Receiving unbiased advice on how to deal is helpful, still, its day by day.
This is what I’ve come to realize. Everyday is a day of moving on. Moving forward. Because it is a new day. That means you outlasted the previous ones to make it to a new one. That is progress.
Continuing to move forward naturally puts you at 100% win rate! Even when its hard and Lord knows it is. At least it was for me. The process can be grueling because it seems time doesn’t move fast enough for you to just get over it.
The process is the process. It can’t be rushed or manipulated. It must run its course in its own time because its not meant to be controlled.
In the end…..
There is no secret formula to moving on. Life, waking everyday does it for you. Its literally one foot in front of the next.